Room data sheets are used to communicate the requirements of the client for a particular type of space to the design teams. They are typically developed during the planning and briefing stages. They may include general requirements, guidance notes, or more detailed specifications of finishes and fixtures and fittings.

The information is normally presented on a single sheet per room (hence the name) but depending upon scope may also be spread over more than one sheet. These are usually given to contractors with specifications and drawings.

There are many software programs that can help you create RDSs. Some are designed to connect to Revit models so that the contents of the model and the room data sheet are compatible. This synchronisation helps in managing the document and prevents duplicate entries.

Layer is a powerful tool for managing room data. It provides an easy-to use interface for capturing data from rooms, and can produce multiple sheets for different types of space. It can also backfill existing Revit projects by adding room types as well as create custom reports. Layer lets users to specify naming conventions on sheets, and it can also be used to control properties like scale, browser organisation, and naming.

The Layouts panel provides settings to determine the layout of views generated on a sheet including margin values and the location of the titleblock. In addition the option to exclude view titles in estimating the total view size on a sheet can be disabled. This will prevent titles from obscuring views on the sheet and also allows for more elevation views on sheets.

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